Forum du cercle Pégase Amilcar :  Forum des automobiles Salmson et du Cercle Pégase Amilcar The fastest message board... ever.
Envoyé par: helmut hergarten ()
Date: jeudi 19 décembre 2002 21:55:24

Hello - i must do it in english...

At the Salmson-Forum there is a message, that Vintage Montlhery should not more organised !!!

I have done all 5 Vintage Montlhery and i want to do them in future.
For that the next days and weeks we should do a big mailing in "www" so that we can have the chance of keeping Vintage Montlhery alive.

Helmut Hergarten
P.S. if you don´t know my internetsite:
and there is a big block for Montlhery

WE WANT VM 2003 !!!

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